Saint Edmond

Catholic Church

Saint Edmond

Catholic Church

Saint Edmond
Catholic Church

our catholic faith Series

our catholic
faith series

Our Catholic Faith
Recent Video Release

Hosted by: Bill Vidacovich

Spiritual Leader: Fr. Joe Campion

Hosted by:
Bill Vidacovich

Spiritual Leader:
Fr. Joe Campion

Join us for our new video series, “Our Catholic Faith”, hosted by Bill Vidacovich alongside the wisdom of Fr. Joe Campion, our spiritual leader.

Together we will delve into Catholicism, the faith, and answer the questions of the Saint Edmond Community.

Stay tuned, new video released weekly on the Saint Edmond Website. Below is our most recent video release of the series.

Submit a Question

Do You Have Any Questions about Catholicism or Eager to Delve Deeper into Your Faith?

We invite you to be an integral part of this series by submitting your questions. To ask your question, simply fill out the form below and your question will be answered by Father Joe.

All answers to questions will be posted below and may be featured in one of our upcoming episodes.

Father Joe Answers
Your Questions

Below are Answers to the Questions of the Saint Edmond Community


Can you explain the difference between Mortal Sin and Venial Sin, giving examples of each?

Also, when going to confession and receiving absolution, does that absolve us of any and all sins, those spoken and not spoken (due to the fact of not remembering sins or those sins that happened a very long time ago and that the confessor has no knowledge of them)?


Mortal sin is a sin that destroys charity in the heart of man by a grave violation of God’s law; it turns man away from God, who is his ultimate end and his beatitude, by preferring an inferior good to Him.

Three conditions must together be met:

1. The object must be a grave matter

2. Committed with full knowledge and

3. Done with full consent of the will.

Venial sin is an act that allows charity to subsist, even though it offends and wounds it.

A simple illustration of the difference between a mortal and venial sin would be to look at the 7thcommandment which is “Thou Shalt Not Steal.”

Certainly, what belongs to a person should be respected and we should never desire or act on taking what belongs to another person. However, taking a dollar from a person’s purse vs. forging a check from someone’s bank account and taking thousands of dollars illustrates a serious difference.

Thus, to be a mortal sin,

1.Taking a large amount of money constitutes a grave matter.

2. We know it’s a grave matter and 3. we fully consent to steal the money. The conditions are met for a mortal sin to be committed.

The First Letter of John also speaks of these two types of sin:

“If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that is not a deadly sin, he has only to pray, and God will give life to this brother —provided that it is not a deadly sin. There is a sin that leads to death and I am not saying you must pray for that. Every kind of wickedness is sin, but not all sin leads to death.” (1 Jn. 5:16-17)


Follow up: Anyone who deliberately withholds confessing sins in the confessional has not satisfied the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If one has honestly forgotten, gone to confession and then later remembers a sin that they forgot to mention, they are still fully forgiven. When going to confession we should always give the approximate time of our last confession. Obviously if it has been a long time then remembering everything is not possible. When we conclude our confession, it is best to say “For these and all the sins of my past that I cannot remember, I ask for forgiveness.


During Mass, when we recite the Lord’s Prayer, I have heard that the congregation should not hold our hands up, is that correct?



The very short answer to your question is “No!”

A better explanation is to understand the role and nature of the priest in the Mass. The priest acts “in persona Christi” (in the person of Christ) when gathering for worship. The priest is the visible mediator who, by virtue of priestly ordination, is the instrument in which Christ the High Priest and the Holy Spirit work.

The “orans posture” of the priest at several moments in the Mass, indicates that the priest is the mediator of the Divine Worship. His arms out and palms up indicate that he is the pray-er or mediator of the church on earth to the Communion of Saints in heaven. The priest’s use of the orans posture is done with the opening prayer, the prayer over the offerings, the entire Eucharistic Prayer, the Our Father and the closing prayer.

There has evolved over the last several decades, in part due to the wonderful Charismatic Movement in the Catholic Church, to the use of raising one’s hands in praise, speaking in tongue and holding of hands. These bodily gestures are praiseworthy in venue outside of Mass. However, within the Mass, the faithful should refrain from the “ orans posture” at all times. Holding of hands is discouraged so that others will not feel compelled to offer their hands either for hygienic reasons or because they want to abide by the liturgical rules of the church.

The best approach for a pastor is to occasionally remind the people of the proper instructions of worship. To embarrass, badger or criticize the faithful is an inappropriate pastoral response. In time, we hope that each person will make a personal, conscientious decision to follow the liturgical guidelines of Holy Mother Church. In doing so, we set aside our personal preferences in favor of unity in our expression of in divine worship.

Below is an Archive of Previous OCF Episodes

Our Catholic Faith Saint Edmond Lafayette: Episode 3 – The Eucharist in Catholic Teachings

Our Catholic Faith Saint Edmond Lafayette Episode 26 – Purgatory