The DesOrmeaux Foundation is responsible for caring for mothers in crisis pregnancies and their unborn babies.
Through the great work of the foundation, Acadiana experiences an incredibly low abortion rate by comparison to other areas of the state.
What’s more is that the mission appeals to people of all beliefs, because the organization does not demonize the acts of these unwed mothers, but instead provides all the support, care, supplies, and encouragement that those mothers need to choose life and to raise their babies in a good home. To that end, the Desormeaux Foundation provides, all at no cost to the mother, a place to live, medical care, food, medicine, clothing, counseling, and so much more.
Learn more by visiting The DesOrmeaux Foundation Website
“The Desormeaux Foundation, Inc is dedicated to defending human life at all stages of development, born and unborn. That is, the infant in the womb, the elderly, the handicapped, the homeless and all who are threatened by our present culture of death.
The Desormeaux Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to defending the sanctity of marriage, man and woman, and to promoting chaste relationships as the norm in our culture. We believe that Christ is involving all of us in the evangelization of His people to this mission, DEFEND HUMAN LIFE.” (from
The DesOrmeaux Foundation
1331 Jefferson Street
Lafayette, Louisiana 70501
(337) 289-9366
Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm &
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm &
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
4131 West Congress, Lafayette, LA 70506
4131 West Congress
Lafayette, LA 70506
Site by Vergne Media