Saint Edmond

Catholic Church

Saint Edmond

Catholic Church

Saint Edmond
Catholic Church

Saint Edmond
Golden Jubilee

50 Years Honoring Our Sacred Journey

1974 – 2024

Saint Edmond
Golden Jubilee

50 Years Honoring Our Sacred Journey

1974 – 2024

Weekend Masses

Saturday …… 4:00 pm,
(Spanish Mass – 6:00 pm)
Sunday …… 8:00 am,
11:00 am, 5:00 pm

confession times

Tuesday & Thursday …….. 6:00 – 6:20 am
Wednesday ……. 11:40 – 12:00 pm
Friday …… 8:00 – 8:30 am
Saturday ….. 3:00 – 3:45 pm
Sunday ……. 7:30 – 7:50 am,
10:30 – 10:50 am, 4:00 – 4:45 pm
Tuesday …….. 6:00 – 6:20 am
Wednesday ……. 11:40 – 12:00 pm
Thursday …….. 6:00 – 6:20 am
Friday …… 8:00 – 8:30 am
Saturday ….. 3:00 – 3:45 pm
Sunday ……. 7:30 – 7:50 am,
10:30 – 10:50 am, 4:00 – 4:45 pm

Weekday Masses

Monday …… (no mass)
Tuesday …… 6:30 am
Wednesday …… 12:10 pm
Thursday …… 6:30 am
Friday …… 8:30 am

Our catholic
Faith series

Watch Our Recent
Video Release Now

Join us for our new video series, “Our Catholic Faith”, hosted by Bill Vidacovich alongside the wisdom of Fr. Joe Campion, our spiritual leader. Together we will delve into Catholicism, the faith, and answer the questions of the Saint Edmond Community.

Stay tuned, new video released every Friday on the Saint Edmond Website.

(Your question may be featured in one of our upcoming episodes)

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Popular Pages of Our Website

Below are Quick Links to Popular Pages of Our Website

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latest news

Keep up with the
Saint Edmond Community

Attention All Students (Grades 8-12)

Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest

All 8th-12th Graders are invited to participate in the 2024-2025 Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest. This contest encourages today’s youth to be more connected to their community and their Catholic faith through creative writing.

In an essay of 500-750 words, students are to answer the following questions:

What are the two most important virtues for an elected leader to possess, and why?

How can you determine if the leader has these virtues?

$25 gift certificates will be given to the first 10 students who submit essays.

$100 will be awarded to 1 winner from each grade.

Essays and essay applications signed by a parent must be submitted to the church administration office by November 13, 2024. Applications can be found in the church vestibule and in the administration office.

In addition to the monetary awards, winners and their families will be recognized and thanked at an upcoming KC General meeting.

Anointing Mass

“Are there any who are sick among you? Let them and for the priests of the Church, and let the priests pray over them, anointing them in the name of the Lord.”

We will have a Mass with the Anointing of the Sick on Sunday, October 13, 2024 at the 11:00 am Mass. Several priests will be present to give the anointing to any parishioners who are infirm or elderly. Families are encouraged to bring any home bound members to church to receive this anointing.

A pot luck dinner will follow in the Family Center immediately after Mass.

Annual Pork Steak Bar-B-Que Dinner

Get Your Plate Lunch Tickets!

Tickets will be sold after all Masses this weekend Oct. 12 & 13, 2024 $12.00 Plate Lunch: Pork Steak, Hebert’s Rice Dressing & Baked Beans Pick-up date is Sunday, Oct. 27th at the Family Center from 10:00am-12:30pm

The Ladies Auxiliary will sell baked goods

Women's ACTS Retreat Hour of Prayer

Sign Up for an Hour of Prayer in Church Today

The next Women’s ACTS Retreat will be October 17-20. As we have done in the past, we ask you to sign-up for an hour of prayer throughout the entire retreat. Beginning this weekend and next weekend, there will be a Sign-Up board in the back foyer of the church. We hope you will support these ladies.

It’s Fall Y’all & Potluck Time

Sunday, October 13th, 12:15pm (after 11:00am Mass)

Bring your favorite dish to share! Don’t know what food to bring, think of Momma’s & Grandma’s favorite fall favorites. The summer is over and we fall into cozy before the winter time. If you haven’t come to our Potlucks, it’s a relaxing Sunday Dinner with our St. Edmond Church family.


"Beautiful Mercy"

Women’s Prayer Group

“Beautiful Mercy” Women’s Prayer Group meets at 6:30 pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Meeting Room of the Family Center. Come and join our faith-filled group of women for prayer and reflection.

Next meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024 at 6:30pm

Youth Tithings

Deuteronomy 14:23 says, “The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives.”

There is now a  YOUTH TITHINGS basket in front of the altar. While the ushers are passing the collection basket at the pews, we ask the parents to send their children to the basket at the altar to place their donations. Let the kiddos have fun with it. Give them a bunch of coins so it’s loud & noisy when they drop it into the basket!

It’s not about how much they give. This is about teaching children to have sympathetic & charitable hearts, & it’s a fun way to bring the children to the altar.

St. Edmond's Annual Men's Retreat

We Invite All Men of our Parish to Attend!

Join us at Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House in Grand Coteau for our annual men’s retreat. The retreat will be held from October 31st thru November 3rd, 2024.

Our Retreat Supper will be on Friday September 6th at 6:00pm in the Family Center.


Tom Grote 984-5876
Ralph Formby 288-0678
Don Authement 988-2421

She Shall be Called Woman

Sessions have begun but it’s never too late to join.

Next Session:
Divine Design

She Shall be Called Woman is a transformative journey designed to meet the deepest longings of the feminine heart. Our program is a sanctuary for women seeking to be truly seen, known, and loved, as they grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Through vibrant conversations, authentic speakers, and enriching prayer experiences, we equip you with the tools to embark on a profound spiritual journey.

Remaining Sessions:
Fridays – Oct. 25th, Nov. 1st & 8th. All meetings are from 6:15 am to 7:45 am and held in the Family Center.

The Knights of Columbus: Global Wheelchair Mission

Our Handicapped Neighbors Need Your Help!

The Knights are collecting walkers, canes, knee walkers, wheelchairs, motor scooters, etc. to aid our handicapped neighbors.

If you feel called to donate please bring all items to the church office.

40 Hour Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament

All are Welcome!

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the 24 hour Chapel every Wednesday afternoon from 4:00 pm until Friday morning at 8:00 am followed by Benediction.

Raymond and Sharron Patout have graciously offered to be coordinators of Eucharistic Adoration. If anyone is willing to substitute at times, please call (337) 988-2467.

Class Schedule

Upcoming Classes for Women are as Follows: 

Saturday, Oct. 12 at 9:00 am

Monday, Oct. 14 at 10:00 am

Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 9:00 am

NO CLASS on Thursday, Oct. 17 and NO CLASS on Saturday, Nov. 19  due to the Women’s ACTS Retreat5

Please bring an exercise mat to class

For more information please contact Terri Frederick

(NOTE: Schedule subject to Change)

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