50 Years Honoring Our Sacred Journey
1974 – 2024
“Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever.”
– Hebrews 13:8
50th Anniversary Prayer
God, our heavenly Father, we give you thanks as we celebrate a dream that was started 50 years ago as St. Edmond CatholicChurch Parish. We are thankful for all of the priests and deacons who have contributed to our own spiritual growth and our growth as a parish. We are thankful for all of our parishioners, past and present, who have made a contribution to this great place of worship. For those who have passed on to their eternal life, we are especially grateful for having known them.
During this time, we have celebrated many good times and accomplishments. We acknowledge that along the way we struggled and had heartaches, and we thank you for being with us always, in good times and in those times that were not so good, always guiding us through your Holy Spirit.
By your grace alone, this parish has always been a place of community, fellowship, learning and worship.
We are thankful too, for the support we have received from our Bishops and the Diocese of Lafayette over the years, and we ask that you would continue to protect us, guide us and sustain us as we go forth from this celebration of your love. Sustain us with new members so that we can continue to be a wonderful home for all your people. May the doors of this church be always open to your people and may they always find a home here at St. Edmond.
Clips from Each of the 50th Interviews
Fr. Joe Full Interview
Fr. Gil Full Interview
Fr. Gary Full Interview
Mrs. Letha’s Full Interview
Nita’s Full Interview
50th Anniversary Celebration of St. Edmond Catholic Church
It is a momentous occasion for our parish, and we are excited to commemorate this milestone together. The theme for our 50th anniversary celebration is “Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever.” This theme reflects the timeless presence of our Lord in our lives and the enduring faith that has guided our parish for the past five decades. We have planned a series of events and activities to mark this special occasion.
The Mass: (November 16th) will be a time of thanksgiving for the blessings we have received over the years and a prayerful reflection on the journey of our parish. Celebrant: Bishop Douglas Deshotel.
Anniversary Gala: To celebrate this significant milestone, we will be hosting an anniversary gala on November 16, 2024. This will be an evening of joy, fellowship, and gratitude. We encourage all parishioners to join us for this memorable event.
Your support and participation are crucial in making this anniversary a truly meaningful and memorable experience for everyone. Let us come together as a community to celebrate the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future with hope and faith. May the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to guide us on this journey.
Yours in Christ,
Father Joseph Campion
This Year Marks the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of St. Edmond Parish. Monthly Celebrations will be Held. Pay Attention to the Announcements!
The theme chosen for the golden celebration is: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME-YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER” (Hebrews 13:8). When I first read that it immediately rang a bell in my heart because the front of* my ordination to the priesthood invitation was that same passage!
Wow! The passage helps us remember that in this constantly changing world there is one constant that NEVER changes- Jesus Christ! He is dependable, reliable, immovable in His love for us, constantly chasing after us when we choose to run away from His Will, continually assuring us that “all will be well” when we trust Him, protecting us daily from dangers that we know and don’t know, gring us answers to our prayers that He knows is the best answer, loving us when we don’t love Him, being generous to us when we choose selfishness!
Come Lord Jesus!
I Love You!
Father Gilbert Dutel
Dear St. Edmond Parishioners,
We would like to express our family’s deepest gratitude for the warm welcome we have received since joining your parish family 20 years ago (2004). Your welcoming smiles, kind words and open hearts have truly embodied the Christian values of love and acceptance. We are blessed to be a part of such a loving and supportive community. We look forward to growing our faith with you all and contributing to the parish in any way we can.
The Simien Family
Thank You for Your Support & Dedication!
Reverend Joseph Campion
Chairman & Co-Chairman
Albert & Judy Simien
Reception / Dance
Chairs: Albert & Judy Simien
Co-Chairs: Richard & Paulette Yandle
History of the Parish & Our Patron Saint
Chairs: Richard & Paulette Yandle
Co-Chairs: Lewis & Charlene Bernard
50th Anniversary T-shirts
Chairs: Michael & Krystle LeBlanc
Co-Chairs: Rick & Gale Keen
Naming Convention – Admin. Bldg.
Chairs: Greg & Missy Duplechain
Co-Chairs: Brent & Pam Thibodeaux
Pictorial Directory of all Parishioners
Chairs: Richard & Yvette Lavergne
Co-Chairs: Doug & Shelly Gauthier
Social Media / Communication
Chairs: Brent & Pam Thibodeaux
Co-Chairs: Chad & Allison Baudoin
Finance Committee
Chairs: Tom & Geraldine Rizzuto
Co-Chairs: Albert & Judy Simien
Chair: Ski Veron
Dear Golden Jubilee Committee,
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unzavering support and assistance since we began our journey together in April 2023. Your commitment and dedication to our cause have been nothing short of extraordinary.
We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to our pastor, Fr. Joseph Campion, for his invaluable guidance. His wisdom and spiritual leadership have been a beacon of light for us all, guiding us through our journey with faith and grace.
Your collective efforts have made a significant difference in our community, and for that, we are eternally grateful.
We are not done yet, but we look forward to continuing our work together.
Thank you once again for your support and dedication.
God Bless,
Albert & Judy Simien
Chairman & Co-Chairman
St. Edmond Golden Jubilee Committee
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Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm &
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 12:00 pm &
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
4131 West Congress, Lafayette, LA 70506
4131 West Congress
Lafayette, LA 70506
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